SGR dealership services - after sales service and stock preparation

Specialist Glass Repair serves numerous major dealership chains. We recognize the importance of prompt vehicle stock preparation for our dealership clients. After all, if a potential buyer spots a windshield chip left unattended, they might wonder what other issues could be lurking unseen. Repairing windshield damage before it's noticed by potential buyers is crucial. With the quality of our resins, typical SGR repairs are virtually undetectable.

All SGR technicians and franchise owners will offer a free and comprehensive stock check to make sure no chips, ding or other damage  that have sneaked through the pre inspection process. If we find any we will report these back to your sales manager for repair approval. We will then deliver the best quality cosmetic repairs.

Moreover, at SGR, we understand the importance of efficiency and convenience for dealership operations. That's why we offer mobile windshield repair services, allowing our expert technicians to carry out repairs directly at the dealership's location. This not only saves time and resources but also minimizes disruptions to daily operations. Whether it's polishing glass surfaces or restoring headlight damage, our comprehensive services are designed to help dealerships manage their profit margins effectively while ensuring customer satisfaction. With SGR as a trusted partner, dealerships can rely on prompt, professional, and reliable windshield repair solutions to enhance their business operations and maintain their competitive edge in the market.

Our reputation with dealership clients extends beyond just repairing windshield damage. We also excel in glass scratch removal and headlight restoration, offering services that contribute to maintaining your profit margins. Before opting for a replacement, consider consulting with us first.