Preventative Maintenance For Rental Companies

SGR serves both national and independent rental companies.

We understand the rental business and the pressures that staff face in making assets available for rent in almost no time. To prevent extended turnaround times, having repair specialists available is key to effectively managing asset downtime.

We have worked in the largest airport rental sites and we know how to fit in with the busiest of maintenance and cleaning teams.

Supporting the return teams with specialist knowledge in spotting glass damage… we have even trained returns teams both at customer drop off and also on defleet to save on replacement costs before shipping. Working a ‘glass line’ efficiently is part and parcel of maximising savings and is a key part of our modus operandi for our rental services.

Regular fleet glass inspections combined with the highest quality windscreen repairs is paramount in balancing your repair / replacement ratios. In doing so we reduce replacement costs, slash vehicle downtime and also help protect the environment by keeping scrapped screens from landfill.

Keeping the assets on the road is probably the biggest benefit to utilising a specialist repair company. With no post replacement standing time we’ll have the wheels back on the road with a minimum of delay. Once our technicians step away from their repair work the vehicle is good to go back to work.

Our digital documentation platform will provide rental management teams and managers with a complete inventory of fleet repairs complete with digital photos of both damage and repair. You can check all of our work from the comfort of your desk.